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Fields are what is used within model declaration (data types) and defines wich types are going to be generated in the SQL database when generated.

Data types

As Edgy is a new approach on the top of Encode ORM, the following keyword arguments are supported in all field types.


The data types are also very familiar for those with experience with Django model fields.

  • primary_key - A boolean. Determine if a column is primary key. Check the primary_key restrictions with Edgy.
  • exclude - An bool indicating if the field is included in model_dump
  • index - A boolean. Determine if a database index should be created.
  • inherit - A boolean. Determine if a field can be inherited in submodels. Default is True. It is used by PKField, RelatedField and the injected ID Field.
  • skip_absorption_check - A boolean. Default False. Dangerous option! By default when defining a CompositeField with embedded fields and the absorb_existing_fields option it is checked that the field type of the absorbed field is compatible with the field type of the embedded field. This option skips the check.
  • skip_reflection_type_check - A boolean. Default False. Skip reflection column type check.
  • unique - A boolean. Determine if a unique constraint should be created for the field. Check the unique_together for more details.
  • column_name - A string. Database name of the column (by default the same as the name).
  • comment - A comment to be added with the field in the SQL database.
  • secret - A special attribute that allows to call the exclude_secrets and avoid accidental leakage of sensitive data.

All fields are required unless one of the following is set:

  • null - A boolean. Determine if a column allows null.

    Set default to None

  • server_default - instance, str, Unicode or a SQLAlchemy sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text construct representing the DDL DEFAULT value for the column.

  • default - A value or a callable (function).
  • auto_now or auto_now_add - Only for DateTimeField and DateField


Despite not always advertised you can pass valid keyword arguments for pydantic FieldInfo (they are in most cases just passed through).

Available fields

All the values you can pass in any Pydantic Field are also 100% allowed within Mongoz fields.

Importing fields

You have a few ways of doing this and those are the following:

import edgy

From edgy you can access all the available fields.

from edgy.core.db import fields

From fields you should be able to access the fields directly.

from edgy.core.db.fields import BigIntegerField

You can import directly the desired field.

All the fields have specific parameters beisdes the ones mentioned in data types.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    big_number: int = edgy.BigIntegerField(default=0)
    another_big_number: int = edgy.BigIntegerField(minimum=10)

This field is used as a default field for the id of a model.


For sqlite with autoincrement an integer field is used. Sqlite doesn't support BigInteger for autoincrement.

  • minimum - An integer indicating the minimum.
  • maximum - An integer indicating the maximum.
  • multiple_of - An integer indicating the multiple of.
  • increment_on_save - An integer which is applied on every save.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    a_number: int = edgy.IntegerField(default=0)
    another_number: int = edgy.IntegerField(minimum=10)
  • minimum - An integer indicating the minimum.
  • maximum - An integer indicating the maximum.
  • multiple_of - An integer indicating the multiple of.
  • increment_on_save - An integer which is applied on every save.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    a_number: int = edgy.SmallIntegerField(default=0)
    another_number: int = edgy.SmallIntegerField(minimum=10)
  • minimum - An integer indicating the minimum.
  • maximum - An integer indicating the maximum.
  • multiple_of - An integer indicating the multiple of.
  • increment_on_save - An integer which is applied on every save.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    is_active: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=True)
    is_completed: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=False)


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    description: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=255)
    title: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=50, min_length=200)
  • max_length - An integer indicating the total length of string. Required. Set to None for creating a field without a string length restriction.
  • min_length - An integer indicating the minimum length of string.


from enum import Enum
import edgy

class Status(Enum):
    ACTIVE = "active"
    INACTIVE = "inactive"

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    status: Status = edgy.ChoiceField(choices=Status, default=Status.ACTIVE)
  • choices - An enum containing the choices for the field.


The CompositeField is a little bit different from the normal fields. It takes a parameter inner_fields and distributes write or read access to the fields referenced in inner_fields. It hasn't currently all field parameters. Especially not the server parameters. For distributing the field parameters it uses the Descriptor Protocol for reading and to_model for writing.

Optionally a pydantic model can be provided via the model argument.

CompositeField defines no columns as it is a meta field.

Note there is also BaseCompositeField. It can be used for implementing own CompositeField-like fields.

import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=60, null=True)
    sent: datetime.datetime = edgy.DateTimeField(, null=True)
    composite: edgy.CompositeField = edgy.CompositeField(inner_fields=["email", "sent"])

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=60, null=True, read_only=True)
    sent: datetime.datetime = edgy.DateTimeField(, null=True, read_only=True)
    composite = edgy.CompositeField(inner_fields=["email", "sent"])

obj = MyModel()
obj.composite = {"email": "", "sent":}

# retrieve as dict
ddict = obj.composite

The contained fields are serialized like normal fields. So if this is not wanted, the fields need the exclude attribute/parameter set.


The inherit flag is set to False for all fields created by a composite. This is because of inheritance.

  • inner_fields - Required. A sequence containing the external field names mixed with embedded field definitions (name, Field) tuples. As an alternative it is possible to provide an Edgy Model (abstract or non-abstract) or a dictionary in the format: key=name, value=Field
  • unsafe_json_serialization - Default False. Normally when serializing in json mode, CompositeFields are ignored when they don't have a pydantic model set. This option includes such CompositeFields in the dump.
  • absorb_existing_fields - Default False. Don't fail if fields speficied with (name, Field) tuples already exists. Treat them as internal fields. The existing fields are checked if they are a subclass of the Field or have the attribute skip_absorption_check set
  • model - Default None (not set).Return a pydantic model instead of a dict.
  • prefix_embedded - Default "". Prefix the field names of embedded fields (not references to external fields). Useful for implementing embeddables

Note: embedded fields are shallow-copied. This way it is safe to provide the same inner_fields object to multiple CompositeFields.

Note: there is a special parameter for model: ConditionalRedirect. It changes the behaviour of CompositeField in this way:

  • inner_fields with 1 element: Reads and writes are redirected to this field. When setting a dict or pydantic BaseModel the value is tried to be extracted like in the normal mode. Otherwise the logic of the single field is used. When returning only the value of the single field is returned
  • inner_fields with >1 element: normal behavior. Dicts are returned

CompositeFields are evaluated in non-abstract models. When overwritten by another field and the evaluation didn't take place yet no fields are generated.

When overwritten after evaluation the fields are still lingering around.

You can also overwrite from CompositeField generated fields in subclasses regardless if the CompositeField used absorb_existing_fields inside.

You may want to use ExcludeField to remove fields.


This is a pseudo field similar to the GeneratedField of Django. It is different in the way it operates on an instance instead of a sql query and supports setting values. It features also a string getter/setter (which retrieves the getter/setter from the class) and a fallback_getter which is used in case the getter is not available. It is used in the contrib permissions feature.

import edgy

class BasePermission(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.fields.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    description: Optional[str] = edgy.fields.ComputedField(
        getter="get_description",  # uses the getter classmethod/staticmethod of the class/subclass
        setter="set_description",  # uses the setter classmethod/staticmethod of the class/subclass
        fallback_getter=lambda field, instance, owner:,  # fallback to return the name
    def get_description(cls, field, instance, owner=None) -> str:

    def set_description(cls, field, instance, value) -> None: = value
  • getter (Optional) -String to classmethod/staticmethod or a callable. Getter which is used to provide a value in model_dump or on direct access to the field.
  • setter (Optional) -String to classmethod/staticmethod or a callable. Setter which is executed when assigning a value to the field. If not provided assignments are simply dismissed.
  • fallback_getter (Optional) -Callable. Is used as fallback when the getter was not found. Useful for inheritance so subclasses can provide a getter but works also without.
  • exclude (False) - By default ComputedField are excluded from serialization.

Secret ComputedFields need some adjustments

import edgy

class BasePermission(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.fields.CharField(max_length=100, null=False)
    description: Optional[str] = edgy.fields.ComputedField(
        getter="get_description",  # uses the getter classmethod/staticmethod of the class/subclass
    def get_description(cls, field, instance, owner=None) -> str:
        # fields get added here when secrets are excluded. We can leverage this in
        # case __no_trigger_load_attrs__ isn't pre-filled with the field name.
        if in instance.__no_trigger_load_attrs__:
            raise AttributeError()


import datetime
import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    created_at: = edgy.DateField(


Internally the DateTimeField logic is used and only the date element returned. This implies the field can handle the same types like DateTimeField.

  • auto_now - A boolean indicating the auto_now enabled. Useful for auto updates.
  • auto_now_add - A boolean indicating the auto_now_add enabled. This will ensure that it is only added once.
  • default_timezone - ZoneInfo containing the timezone which is added to naive datetimes and used for auto_now and auto_now_add. Datetimes are converted to date and lose their timezone information.
  • force_timezone - ZoneInfo containing the timezone in which all datetimes are converted. For naive datetimes it behaves like default_timezone Datetimes are converted to date and lose their timezone information.


There is no remove_timezone (argument will be silently ignored).


auto_now and auto_now_add set the read_only flag by default. You can explicitly set read_only to False to be still able to update the field manually.


import datetime
import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    created_at: datetime.datetime = edgy.DateTimeField(

DateTimeField supports int, float, string (isoformat), date object and of course datetime as input. They are automatically converted to datetime.

  • auto_now - A boolean indicating the auto_now enabled. Useful for auto updates.
  • auto_now_add - A boolean indicating the auto_now_add enabled. Only set when creating the object
  • default_timezone - ZoneInfo containing the timezone which is added to naive datetimes
  • force_timezone - ZoneInfo containing the timezone in which all datetimes are converted. For naive datetimes it behaves like default_timezone
  • remove_timezone - Boolean. Default False. Remove timezone information from datetime. Useful if the db should only contain naive datetimes and not convert.
  • with_timezone - Boolean. Defaults to True for remove_timezone is False. It controls if timezones are included on db side. You most probably don't need setting it except you want a naive datetime saving in a timezone aware column which makes no sense.


auto_now and auto_now_add set the read_only flag by default. You can explicitly set read_only to False to be still able to update the field manually.


A DurationField can save the amount of time of a process. This is useful in case there is no clear start/stop timepoints. For example the time worked on a project.

import datetime
import edgy

class Project(edgy.Model):
    worked: datetime.timedelta = edgy.DurationField(default=datetime.timedelta())
    estimated_time: datetime.timedelta = edgy.DurationField()


import decimal
import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    price: decimal.Decimal = edgy.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2, null=True)
  • minimum - An integer indicating the minimum.
  • maximum - An integer indicating the maximum.
  • max_digits - An integer indicating the total maximum digits. Optional.
  • decimal_places - An integer indicating the total decimal places.
  • multiple_of - An integer, float or decimal indicating the multiple of.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=60, null=True)

Derives from the same as CharField and validates the email value.

  • max_length - Integer/None. Default: 255.


Remove inherited fields by masking them from the model. This way a field can be removed in subclasses.

ExcludeField is a stub field and can be overwritten itself in case a Model wants to readd the field.

When given an argument in the constructor the argument is silently ignored. When trying to set/access the attribute on a model instance, an AttributeError is raised.

import edgy

class AbstractModel(edgy.Model):
    email: str = edgy.EmailField(max_length=60, null=True)
    price: float = edgy.FloatField(null=True)

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class ConcreteModel(AbstractModel):
    email: Type[None] = edgy.ExcludeField()

# works
obj = ConcreteModel(email="", price=1.5)
# fails with AttributeError
variable = = ""


See FileField.


See ImageField.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    price: float = edgy.FloatField(null=True)

Derives from the same as IntegerField and validates the float.

  • max_digits - An integer indicating the total maximum digits. In contrast to DecimalField it is database-only and can be used for higher/lower precision fields. It is also available under the name precision with a higher priority. Optional.


import edgy

class User(edgy.Model):
    is_active: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=True)

class Profile(edgy.Model):
    is_enabled: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=True)

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    user: User = edgy.ForeignKey("User", on_delete=edgy.CASCADE)
    profile: Profile = edgy.ForeignKey(Profile, on_delete=edgy.CASCADE, related_name="my_models")

Hint you can change the base for the reverse end with embed_parent:

import edgy
from edgy import Database, Registry

database = Database("sqlite:///db.sqlite")
models = Registry(database=database)

class Address(edgy.Model):
    street = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
    city = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)

    class Meta:
        # we don't want a table just a template
        abstract = True

class User(edgy.Model):
    is_active: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=True)

    class Meta:
        registry = models

class Profile(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.CharField(max_length=100)
    user: User = edgy.OneToOne("User", on_delete=edgy.CASCADE, embed_parent=("address", "profile"))
    address: Address = Address

    class Meta:
        registry = models

user = edgy.run_sync(User.query.create())
        name="edgy", user=user, address={"street": "Rainbowstreet 123", "city": "London"}
# use the reverse link
address = edgy.run_sync(user.profile.get())
# access the profile

when on the user model the profile reverse link is queried, by default the address embeddable is returned. Queries continue to use the Profile Model as base because address isn't a RelationshipField. The Profile object can be accessed by the profile attribute we choosed as second parameter.

When the second parameter is empty, the parent object is not included as attribute.

The reverse end of a ForeignKey is a Many to one relation.

  • to - A string model name or a class object of that same model.
  • target_registry - Registry where the model callback is installed if to is a string. Defaults to the field owner registry.
  • related_name - The name to use for the relation from the related object back to this one. Can be set to False to disable a reverse connection. Note: Setting to False will also prevent prefetching and reversing via __. See also related_name for defaults
  • related_fields - The columns or fields to use for the foreign key. If unset or empty, the primary key(s) are used.
  • embed_parent (to_attr, as_attr) - When accessing the reverse relation part, return to_attr instead and embed the parent object in as_attr (when as_attr is not empty). Default None (which disables it). For to_attr (first argument) deeply nested models can be selected via __.
  • no_constraint - Skip creating a constraint. Note: if set and index=True an index will be created instead.
  • remove_referenced - (Default False) - When deleting the model, the referenced model is also deleted.
  • on_delete - A string indicating the behaviour that should happen on delete of a specific model. The available values are CASCADE, SET_NULL, RESTRICT and those can also be imported from edgy.
  • on_update - A string indicating the behaviour that should happen on update of a specific model. The available values are CASCADE, SET_NULL, RESTRICT and those can also be imported from edgy.
    from edgy import CASCADE, SET_NULL, RESTRICT
  • relation_fn - Optionally drop a function which returns a Relation for the reverse side. This will be used by the RelatedField (if it is created). Used by the ManyToMany field.
  • reverse_path_fn - Optionally drop a function which handles the traversal from the reverse side. Used by the ManyToMany field.
  • column_name - A string. Base database name of the column (by default the same as the name). Useful for models with special characters in their name.


The index parameter can improve the performance and is strongly recommended especially with no_constraint but also ForeignKeys with constraint will benefit. By default off because conflicts are easily to provoke when reinitializing models (tests with database fixture scope="function"). This is no concern for webservers where models are initialized once. unique uses internally an index and index=False will be ignored.


There is a reverse_name argument which can be used when related_name=False to specify a field for reverse relations. It is useless except if related_name is False because it is otherwise overwritten. The reverse_name argument is used for finding the reverse field of the relationship.


When embed_parent is set, queries start to use the second parameter of embed_parent if it is a RelationshipField. If it is empty, queries cannot access the parent anymore when the first parameter points to a RelationshipField. This is mode is analogue to ManyToMany fields. Otherwise, the first parameter points not to a RelationshipField (e.g. embeddable, CompositeField), queries use still the model, without the prefix stripped.


embed_parent cannot traverse embeddables.


from edgy import RefForeignKey

This is unique to Edgy and has dedicated place in the documentation just to explain what it is and how to use it.


from typing import List
import edgy

class User(edgy.Model):
    is_active: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=True)

class Organisation(edgy.Model):
    is_enabled: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=True)

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    users: List[User] = edgy.ManyToMany(User)
    organisations: List[Organisation] = edgy.ManyToMany("Organisation")


You can use edgy.ManyToManyField as alternative to ManyToMany instead.

  • to - A string model name or a class object of that same model.
  • through_tablename - Custom tablename for through. E.g. when special characters are used in model names. It has two special options edgy.OLD_M2M_NAMING and edgy.NEW_M2M_NAMING. It is required to either set an explicit name or one of the both options. When migrating from pre 0.27.0 edgy versions you should pass either edgy.OLD_M2M_NAMING or the tablename or rename the table of the through model in an alembic migration. Otherwise data loss is possible. The same is true if you use edgy and saffier on the same tables. You need in case edgy.OLD_M2M_NAMING. For new projects and new ManyFields the edgy.NEW_M2M_NAMING option or a tablename is recommended as you don't have.
  • target_registry - Registry where the model callback is installed if to is a string. Defaults to the field owner registry.
  • from_fields - Provide the related_fields for the implicitly generated ForeignKey to the owner model.
  • to_fields - Provide the related_fields for the implicitly generated ForeignKey to the child model.
  • related_name - The name to use for the relation from the related object back to this one.
  • through - The model to be used for the relationship. Edgy generates the model by default if None is provided or through is an abstract model.
  • through_registry - Registry where the model callback is installed if through is a string or empty. Defaults to the field owner registry.
  • embed_through - When traversing, embed the through object in this attribute. Otherwise it is not accessable from the result. if an empty string was provided, the old behaviour is used to query from the through model as base. if False (the new default), the base is transformed to the target and source model (full proxying). You cannot select the through model via path traversal anymore (except from the through model itself). If not an empty string, the same behaviour like with False applies except that you can select the through model fields via path traversal with the provided name.


If through_tablename is set to edgy.OLD_M2M_NAMING you won't be able to have multiple relations from the same source model to the same target model. You can however pass for additional ManyToMany the edgy.NEW_M2M_NAMING or a string so it works. This allows updating old codebases.


If through_tablename is not set correctly or changed data-loss is possible. When changing it is your responsibility to move the table either via migration or by hand.


If through is an abstract model it will be used as a template (a new model is generated with through as base).


When providing a string as through_tablename, you have string formatting active. The field itself is injected as field. The resulting name is lowercased and cut on 64 chars.


The index parameter is passed through to the ForeignKey fields but is not required. The intern ForeignKey fields create with their primary key constraint and unique_together fallback their own index. You should be warned that the same for ForeignKey fields applies here for index, so you most probably don't want to use an index here.


By default generated through models are not added to content types. You must either define a registered model or add an explicit ContentTypeField to the abstract. You can also modify the through model via the through attribute and add a ContentTypeField to the fields though not recommended (see customizing fields).

Example for through model with content_type
import edgy
from edgy.contrib.contenttypes import ContentTypeField

database = edgy.Database("sqlite:///db.sqlite")
models = edgy.Registry(database=database, with_content_type=True)

class PersonsOrganisations(edgy.Model):
    content_type = ContentTypeField()
    # to and from fields will be autogenerated

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class Person(edgy.Model):
    first_name = edgy.fields.CharField(max_length=100)
    last_name = edgy.fields.CharField(max_length=100)

    class Meta:
        registry = models
        unique_together = [("first_name", "last_name")]

class Organisation(edgy.Model):
    name = edgy.fields.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    persons = edgy.fields.ManyToMany(
        to=Person, through=PersonsOrganisations, through_tablename=edgy.NEW_M2M_NAMING

    class Meta:
        registry = models
Migration from edgy pre 0.27.0

Because of a flaw in the naming schema colliding table names were possible in edgy <0.27.0. For mitigation we introduced a new one which output different names. Alembic however is not capable to detect the renames and will drop the old table and create a new one. Similar is the behavior in case no migrations are used: programs with old tablenames will just fail. This includes scenarios where edgy and saffier are running in a mixed environment and operate on the same tables.

To prevent these scenarios, we made the through_tablename parameter mandatory. Here you have to select for every ManyToManyField which naming schema to use. For existing ManyToMany fields you should choose: edgy.OLD_M2M_NAMING except you plan to rename the through model table. You can also set explicitly an tablename, this is fine too. For new ManyToManyField you should choose edgy.NEW_M2M_NAMING or an other tablename.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    ip_address: str = edgy.IPAddressField()

Derives from the same as CharField and validates the value of an IP. It currently supports ipv4 and ipv6.


from typing import Dict, Any
import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    data: Dict[str, Any] = edgy.JSONField(default={})

Simple JSON representation object.


Simple blob field. It supports on some dbs a max_length attribute.

from typing import Dict, Any
import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    data: bytes = edgy.Binary()


Blobs (BinaryField) are like TextFields not size-restricted by default.


import edgy

class User(edgy.Model):
    is_active: bool = edgy.BooleanField(default=True)

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    user: User = edgy.OneToOne("User")

Derives from the same as ForeignKey and applies a One to One direction.


You can use edgy.OneToOneField as alternative to OneToOne instead. Or if you want the basic ForeignKey with unique=True.


The index parameter is here ignored.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    data: str = edgy.TextField(null=True)

Similar to CharField but has no max_length restrictions.


import edgy
import secrets
from contextlib import suppress

hasher = Hasher()

class User(edgy.Model):
    pw: str = edgy.PasswordField(null=False, derive_fn=hasher.derive)
    token: str = edgy.PasswordField(null=False, default=secrets.token_hex)

# we can check if the pw matches by providing a tuple
with suppress(Exception):
    # oops, doesn't work
    obj = await User.query.create(pw=("foobar", "notfoobar"))
obj = await User.query.create(pw=("foobar", "foobar"))
# now let's check the pw
hasher.compare_pw(, "foobar")
# now let's compare the token safely
secrets.compare_digest(obj.token, "<token>")

Similar to CharField and it can be used to represent a password text. The secret parameter defaults to True.

  • max_length - Integer/None. Default: 255.
  • derive_fn - Callable. Default: None. When provided it automatically hashes an incoming string. Should be a good key deriving function.
  • keep_original - Boolean. Default: True when derive_fn is provided False otherwise. When True, an attribute named: <fieldname>_original is added whenever a password is manually set. It contains the password in plaintext. After saving/loading the attribute is set to None.

Ideally the key derivation function includes the parameters (and derive algorithm) used for deriving in the hash so a compare_pw function can reproduce the result.

For more examples see Passwords.


A field without a column. In some way it behaves like a plain pydantic field with edgy features. It is useful to store user-facing variables, like the original password of PasswordField, so it isn't ignored/causes an error when using a StrictModel.

Most users will may prefer the ComputedField instead.

  • pydantic_field_type: define the pydantic field type. Optionally.


import datetime
import edgy

def get_time():

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    time: datetime.time = edgy.TimeField(default=get_time)
    • with_timezone - Boolean. Default False. Enable timezone support for time in the db.


import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    url: str = fields.URLField(null=True, max_length=1024)

Derives from the same as CharField and validates the value of an URL.

  • max_length - Integer/None. Default: 255.


from uuid import UUID
import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    uuid: UUID = fields.UUIDField()

Derives from the same as CharField and validates the value of an UUID.

Advanced Fieldpatterns

These are not actually fields but patterns.

Revision Field

You remember the strange increment_on_save parameter on Integer like fields?

Here is how to use it.

Just counting up

The simplest case:

import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    rev: int = edgy.SmallIntegerField(default=0, increment_on_save=1)

async def main():
    obj = await MyModel.query.create()
    # obj.rev == 0
    # obj.rev == 1

What happens here? On every save the counter is in database increased. When accessing the attribute it is automatically loaded.


That is boring let's go farther. What happens when we make it a primary key?

Hint: it has a very special handling.

import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    id: int = edgy.IntegerField(primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    rev: int = edgy.SmallIntegerField(default=0, increment_on_save=1, primary_key=True)

async def main():
    obj = await MyModel.query.create()
    # obj.rev == 0
    # obj.rev == 1
    assert len(await MyModel.query.all()) == 2

This implements a copy on save. We have now revision safe models. This is very strictly checked. It even works with FileFields or ImageFields.

Revisioning with unsafe updates

Sometimes you want to be able to modify old revisions. There is a second revisioning pattern allowing this:

import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    id: int = edgy.IntegerField(primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    document = edgy.fields.FileField(null=True)
    rev: int = edgy.SmallIntegerField(default=0, increment_on_save=1, primary_key=True, read_only=False)
    name = edgy.CharField(max_length=50)

async def main():
    obj = await MyModel.query.create(name="foo")
    # obj.rev == 0
    # obj.rev == 1
    assert len(await MyModel.query.all()) == 2
    # rev must be in update otherwise it fails (what is good)
    await obj.update(name="bar", rev=obj.rev)

Countdown Field

Until now we have seen only increment_on_save=1 but it can be also negative. That is useful for a countdown.

import edgy

class MyModel(edgy.Model):
    counter: int = edgy.IntegerField(increment_on_save=-1)

async def main():
    # we have no default here
    obj = await MyModel.query.create(counter=10)
    # obj.counter == 10
    # obj.counter == 9
    # we can reset
    await{"counter": 100})
    # obj.counter == 100
    # or specify a different default value
    obj = await MyModel.query.create(counter=50)
    # obj.counter == 50

Postgresql special fields

See Postgresql fields.

Custom Fields

Factory fields

If you merely want to customize an existing field in edgy.core.db.fields you can just inherit from it and provide the customization via the FieldFactory (or you can use FieldFactory directly for handling a new sqlalchemy type). Valid methods to overwrite are __new__, get_column_type, get_pydantic_type, get_constraints, build_field and validate as well as you can overwrite many field methods by defining them on the factory (see edgy.core.db.fields.factories for allowed methods). Field methods overwrites must be classmethods which take as first argument after the class itself the field object and a keyword arg original_fn which can be None in case none was defined.

For examples have a look in edgy/core/db/fields/


You can extend in the factory the overwritable methods. The overwritten methods are not permanently overwritten. After init it is possible to change them again. A simple example is in edgy/core/db/fields/ The magic behind this is in edgy/core/db/fields/


For global constraints you can overwrite the get_global_constraints field method via the factory overwrite. This differs from get_constraints which is defined on factories.

Extended, special fields

If you want to customize the entire field (e.g. checks), you have to split the field in 2 parts:

  • One inherits from edgy.db.fields.base.BaseField (or one of the derived classes) and provides the missing parts. It shall not be used for the Enduser (though possible).
  • One inherits from edgy.db.fields.factories.FieldFactory. Here the field_bases attribute is adjusted to point to the Field from the first step.

Fields have to inherit from edgy.db.fields.base.BaseField and to provide following methods to work:

  • get_columns(self, field_name) - returns the sqlalchemy columns which should be created by this field.
  • clean(self, field_name, value, to_query=False) - returns the cleaned column values. to_query specifies if clean is used by the query sanitizer and must be more strict (no partial values).

Additional they can provide/overwrite following methods:

  • operator_to_clause - Generates clauses for db from the result of clean. Implies clean is called with for_query=True.
  • __get__(self, instance, owner=None) - Descriptor protocol like get access customization. Second parameter contains the class where the field was specified. To prevent unwanted loads operate on the instance __dict__. You can throw an AttributeError to trigger a load.
  • __set__(self, instance, value) - Descriptor protocol like set access customization. Dangerous to use. Better use to_model.
  • to_model(self, field_name) - like clean, just for setting attributes or initializing a model. It is also used when setting attributes or in initialization (phase contains the phase where it is called). This way it is much more powerful than __set__.
  • get_embedded_fields(self, field_name, fields) - Define internal fields.
  • get_default_values(self, field_name, cleaned_data) - returns the default values for the field. Can provide default values for embedded fields. If your field spans only one column you can also use the simplified get_default_value instead. This way you don't have to check for collisions. By default get_default_value is used internally.
  • get_default_value(self) - return default value for one column fields.
  • get_global_constraints(self, field_name, columns, schemes) - takes as second parameter (self excluded) the columns defined by this field (by get_columns). Returns a global constraint, which can be multi-column. The last one provides the schemes in descending priority.
  • modify_input(name, kwargs): Modifying the input (kwargs is a dict). E.g. providing defaults only when loaded from db or collecting fields and columns for a multi column, composite field (e.g. FileField). Note: this method is very powerful. You should only manipulate sub-fields and columns belonging to the field.
  • embed_field(prefix, new_fieldname, owner=None, parent=None): Controlling the embedding of the field in other fields. Return None to disable embedding.

You should also provide an init method which sets following attributes:

  • column_type - either None (default) or the sqlalchemy column type
  • inject_default_on_partial_update - Add default value despite being a partial update. Useful for implementing auto_now or other fields which should change on every update.


Instance checks can also be done against the field_type attribute in case you want to check the compatibility with other fields (composite style). The annotation field parameter is for pydantic (automatically set by factories). For examples have a look in tests/fields/ or in edgy/core/db/fields/


Instance parameters are always model instances.


Using for_query

clean is required to clean the values for the db. It has an extra parameter for_query which is set in a querying context (searching something in the db).

When using a multi-column field, you can overwrite operator_to_clause. You may want to adjust clean called with for_query=True so it returns are suitable holder object (e.g. dict) for the fieldname. See tests/fields/ for an example.

Using phases

The CURRENT_PHASE ContextVariable contains the current phase. If used outside of a model context it defaults to an empty string.

Within a model context it contains the current phase it is called for:

  • init: Called in model __init__.
  • init_db: Called in model __init__ when loaded from a row.
  • set: Called in model __setattr__ (when setting an attribute).
  • load: Called after load. Contains db values.
  • post_insert: Called after insert. Arguments are the ones passed to save.
  • post_update: Called after update. Arguments are the ones passed to save.

For extract_column_values following phases exist (except called manually):

  • prepare_insert: Called in extract_column_values for insert.
  • prepare_update: Called in extract_column_values for update.
  • compare: Called when comparing model instances.

Using the instance

There are 2 ContextVar named CURRENT_INSTANCE and CURRENT_MODEL_INSTANCE. CURRENT_INSTANCE is the executing instance of a QuerySet or Model while CURRENT_MODEL_INSTANCE is always a model instance or None. When calling manually also CURRENT_INSTANCE can be None. They are available during setting an attribute, transform_input and extract_column_values calls when set as well as in the pre_save_callback or post_save_callback hooks. This implies you can use them in all sub methods like get_default...

You may want to use the pre_save_callback with its instance parameter to ensure you get a model instance.

Note: When using in-db updates of QuerySet there is no instance.

Note: There is one exception of a QuerySet method which use a model instance as CURRENT_INSTANCE: create.

Finding out which values are explicit set

The EXPLICIT_SPECIFIED_VALUES ContextVar is either None or contains the key names of the explicit specified values. It is set in save and update.

Saving variables on Field

You can use the field as a store for your customizations. Unconsumed keywords are set as attributes on the BaseField object. But if the variables clash with the variables used for Columns or for pydantic internals, there are unintended side-effects possible.

Field returning persistent, instance aware object

For getting an immutable object attached to a Model instance, there are two ways:

  • Using Managers (by default they are instance aware)
  • Using fields with __get__ and to_model.

The last way is a bit more complicated than managers. You need to consider 3 ways the field is affected:

  1. __init__ and load: Some values are passed to the field. Use to_model for providing an initial object with the CURRENT_INSTANCE context var. Note: this doesn't gurantee the initialization. We still need the __get__-
  2. __getattr__ here the object can get an instance it can attach to. Use __get__ for this.
  3. Set access. Either use __set__ or to_model so it uses the old value.

Nested loads with __get__

Fields using __get__ must consider the context_var MODEL_GETATTR_BEHAVIOR. There are two modes to consider:

  1. passdown: getattr access returns AttributeError on missing attributes. The first time an AttributeError is issued a load is issued when neccessary and the mode switches to coro. This can be overwritten in composite fields.
  2. coro: __get__ needs to issue the load itself (in case this is wanted) and to handle returned coroutines. AttributeErrors are passed through.

The third mode load is only relevant for models and querysets.

Customizing fields after model initialization

Dangerous! There can be many side-effects, especcially for non-metafields (have columns or attributes).

If you just want to remove a field ExcludeField or the inherit flags are the ways to go.

Adding, replacing or deleting a field is triggering automatically a required invalidation and auto-registers in pydantic model_fields. For non-metafields you may need to rebuild the model.

If you want to add/delete a Field dynamically, check edgy/core/db/models/ or edgy/core/connection/ first what is done. Sometimes you may need to update the annotations.