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Many-to-One Relations

Many-to-one relations are the inverse of a ForeignKey. There is only an implicit field for this, which is added to the target model with the related name specified or automatically generated. The interface is quite similar to ManyToMany.


With the many-to-one relation, you can perform all the normal operations of searching from normal queries to the related_name as per normal search.

Many-to-one relations allow three different methods when using them (the same applies for the reverse side).

  • add() - Adds a record to the relation (Updates the ForeignKey).
  • create() - Create a new record and add it to the relation.
  • remove() - Removes a record to the relation (sets the ForeignKey to None).

Let us see how it looks by using the following example.

from typing import List

import edgy
from edgy import Database, Registry

database = Database("sqlite:///db.sqlite")
models = Registry(database=database)

class Team(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.fields.CharField(max_length=100)

    class Meta:
        registry = models

class TeamMember(edgy.Model):
    name: str = edgy.fields.CharField(max_length=100)
    team: Team = edgy.fields.ForeignKey(Team, related_name="members")

    class Meta:
        registry = models


You can now add members to teams, something like this.

member = await TeamMember.query.create(name="member1")
blue_team = await Team.query.create(name="Blue Team")

await blue_team.members.add(member)


You can fuse this to:

blue_team = await Team.query.create(name="Blue Team")
green_team = await Team.query.create(name="Green Team")
member1 = await blue_team.members.create(name="edgy")
member2 = await green_team.members.create(name="fastapi")

This is also more performant because less transactions are required.


You can now remove members from teams, something like this.

blue_team = await Team.query.create(name="Blue Team")

member = await blue_team.members.create(name="member1")
# and now remove
await blue_team.members.remove(member)

Hint: when unique, remove works also without argument.

When a related_name is not defined, Edgy will automatically generate one with the following format:
