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Settings in Edgy

Have you ever wished you could easily configure database settings? Since Edgy is created by the same author as Esmerald, and Esmerald is settings oriented, Edgy adopts a similar approach, albeit in a simpler form.

Edgy Settings Module

Edgy uses the following environment variable to locate its settings:


All settings are Pydantic BaseSettings objects, making them easy to use and override.


Edgy looks for the EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to load and apply settings.

If EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE is not found, Edgy uses its internal default settings.

Custom Settings

To create custom settings, inherit from EdgySettings (or TenancySettings for multi-tenancy). EdgySettings handles Edgy's internal settings, which you can extend or override.


from typing import Optional

from edgy import EdgySettings
from esmerald.conf.enums import EnvironmentType

class MyCustomSettings(EdgySettings):
    My settings overriding default values and add new ones.

    environment: Optional[str] = EnvironmentType.TESTING

    # new settings
    my_new_setting: str = "A text"

Edgy's settings are designed to be simple and easily overridable.


Exercise caution when overriding settings, as it may break functionality.

  • preloads: List of imports to preload. Non-existent imports are ignored. Can be used to inject a path to a module in which the instance is set. Takes strings in format module and module:fn. In the latter case the function or callable is executed without arguments.

    Default: []

  • extensions: List of Monkay extensions for Edgy. See Extensions for details. Extensions can also preload imports.

    Default: []

  • ipython_args: List of arguments passed to ipython when starting edgy shell.

    Default: ["--no-banner"]

  • ptpython_config_file: Config file loaded into ptpython when starting edgy shell --kernel ptpython.

    Default: "~/.config/ptpython/"

How to Use It

Similar to Esmerald settings, Edgy uses the EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.

Using the example from above and the location myproject/configs/, the settings should be called like this:

$ EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.configs.settings.MyCustomSettings edgy <COMMAND>

Optional prerequisite: set one of the preload imports to the application path. This way you can skip providing the --app parameter or providing the EDGY_DEFAULT_APP.


Starting the default shell:

$ EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.configs.settings.MyCustomSettings edgy shell

Starting the PTPython shell:

$ EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.configs.settings.MyCustomSettings edgy shell --kernel ptpython

Creating the migrations folder:

$ EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.configs.settings.MyCustomSettings edgy init

Generating migrations:

$ EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.configs.settings.MyCustomSettings edgy makemigrations

Applying migrations:

$ EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.configs.settings.MyCustomSettings edgy migrate

And so on. To see available commands, check the commands and shell support.